
Are flower shops a dying business?

Almost every florist I’ve met once had a dream of running a beautiful flower shop.

It’s so easy to fall in love with the dream of a flower shop. To look at those perfectly posed photos on Pinterest and see the beauty of the abundance on display when flowers are so wonderfully presented at the front of a flower shop.

I also remember having hundreds of customers just swoon at the smell of flowers. They would always tell us they could smell the flowers before they could see them.

It really is magical. It’s a gift to all the humans in your area.

But it’s also really expensive.

Like really really expensive. Once you account for rent, electricity, internet, phone, the shop fit-out AND having to keep the shop staffed and well-stocked during normal business hours, it becomes a “thing”.

Running a flower shop isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. 

It’s not for everyone. And, in my experience, it’s no longer a “must” in terms of running a successful and profitable flower business.  

Do I Need A Flower Shop?

I realise now, the decision to have a shopfront is much more of an operational decision, rather than a marketing decision. 

I see so many florists make the commitment of opening a shopfront in hopes it will increase sales and drive revenue.

In addition to that, so many florists assume having a shop front will make them feel more legitimate. (That was totally me!)

2020 changed the game for florists. With so many customers not able to come into a physical shop space, the need to get your business online has become the only way to thrive as a florist.

No longer is having a shopfront required if you want to run a successful florist business.

In my experience, the vast majority (like 99% of our customers), never bought flowers on impulse. Of course, it happens now and then, but it’s so unpredictable and makes it a real challenge to maintain a sustainable revenue stream.

In reality, even if you have a shop front, having a strong online presence is mandatory. This is why I think having a shop front is as much an operational decision as it is a marketing decision.

Being able to have a place for efficient production and storage of your product is the most important thing to consider. And whether or not you want to offer a place for customer pick-up becomes the next decision. Socially distanced, of course.

Are Flower Shops A Dying Business?

Let’s cut to the chase: are flower shops a dying business? Hmmm…not necessarily. 

In the end, it’s totally worth doing the math. Look at the cost of running the shop front and the financial commitment of committing to a 3, 5, or even 10-year lease and see if you can make it work.

Having a strong digital marketing game is where the sales growth is going to come from. 

Right now, that is being eaten up by many of the relay networks and wire services. Yes, it’s the local florist who eventually receives the order, but with many relay services, they’re taking 25-30% of the revenue. Over time, and with the volume required to maintain our shop spaces, that percentage quickly erodes your profitability.

That’s precisely why we made the decision to create our own website. Yes, it was an undertaking. Yes, it took time, but that investment continues to pay off week after week after week.

During 2020 that same website still continues to generate a lot of revenue for the business. It’s the gift that keeps on giving and is way more reliable (and profitable) than having to worry about having a fully stocked and fully staffed shop front.  

2020 broke all kinds of sales records for so many florists – with people not able to be together and the continued uncertainty through 2021, being online is where your incredible sales revenue is going to come from. So, having a strong digital presence is mandatory for running a successful and sustainable flower business.

Let’s Do A Little Bit Of Math, Shall We?

Grab your calculator and let’s do a little number crunching. Here’s what you’re going to want to look at, to decide if a flower shop is right for your business. Do some Googling and find a few bits of info:

  • Rent (in a location with great parking, and the right amount of space)
  • Insurance
  • Electricity, water, internet, phone
  • Shop fit-out (painting, counters, storage, flooring, lighting, cool room, signage)
  • Staffing (assume you need to pay at least one person to be on-site during opening hours)

Then, look at the numbers over a 12 month period. As well as 3 to 5 years. The length of the rental agreement or lease you sign varies but it’s always worth looking at the costs over the long term. It gives you a great deal of perspective.

Now, if you want to get a sense of the revenue required to cover that operation, take your 12 month total and multiply it by five. For example, if your operational costs listed above for a full year are about $100,000, then your mission is to generate at least  $500,000 in sales.

No, it’s not an exact approach but it helps paint a picture of the scale of the operation you need to create. You might want to talk to your accountant for further clarity. 

In the end, creating a successful flower business focused on daily flower deliveries is all about having the volume to sustain your business. In today’s world, that volume is going to come from being online and playing the right digital marketing game.

👉 Grab my High Profit Floral Recipe eBook (Exclusive Offer). In this Expert’s Guide, you’ll receive unparalleled insights into creating beautiful designs with higher profit margins so you can boost your bottom line.