In this week’s podcast episode, I’m passing along my best tips for organising a brand shoot.
Not sure what a brand shoot is all about?
Well, in short, it’s a photoshoot that’s all about you. The maker. The designer. The creative. The flower lover.
You get to be the star of the show.
Now before you run away as fast as you can, I wanna give you four reasons why they’re worth investing in.
- It’s your vision, your brain child. You get to control the show.
- It’s about you + your flower story. Investing in a brand shoot is one of the best ways to get comfortable telling your own design story and putting your face out into the world. And that means you’ll leapfrog your competition.
- Way cheaper than a styled shoot. Particularly when you take into account that you really do not need much in the way of flowers + product. No need to be makin’ large scale installations or arbours.
- It’s about you the maker, the designer. The hands-on work and work-in-progress photos are what it’s all about. Wanna hear the best news? You don’t even need to like what you make on the day βΒ it’s not about the end result, it’s about the pieces of the puzzle and demonstrating to your customers that this flower magic we do is a service, requires expertise, skill and know-how.
Listen in to this week’s podcast episode so you can hear all about how to navigate and coordinate your own brand shoot and get my five watch-outs every floral designer needs to know before they jump in.
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