
Finding your florist community 😍

Hello beautiful flower peeps!

Taking the plunge and being the owners of a bizniz is a thing.

It’s like you’ve just had a baby. You are responsible for its existence, feeding it, keeping it alive, paying attention to it, planning for its future, making decisions that will impact it down the road.

Any of this sound familiar?

Here’s the thing though — trying to white knuckle it and do it all on your own is HARD.

Our industry is obsessed with beauty and the final design, but it often ignores that fact that business is hard.

In today’s episode I share the best way to manage that feeling of “alone-ness” so jump in and listen.

Want more good stuff? Grab my Big Ass Folder of Free Shiz #ForFlorists.

Take your business to the next level and sign up for my 1:1 Business Masterclass.

