Mindset, Pricing

Floral Design Pricing – It’s Allowed to Be Easy

Trying to wrap your head around floral design pricing? I’ve gotcha covered.

If you’re new here, welcome to the best secret corner of the interwebs! I struggled with floral design pricing for a really long time (and I’m even a formally qualified designer).

I don’t think I’ve ever met a floral designer who hasn’t struggled with their prices – I think all of us, at one time or another, have had to navigate a sense of doubt and uncertainty when it comes to being able to sort through pricing.

Looking back now, I can see now there are a few reasons I really struggled with floral design pricing in my business.

Here are four unexpected insights to make pricing your work easier than ever!

TIP #1 – Don’t charge your worth.

I know, this flies in the face of the “know your worth and add tax” narrative that we often see in the creative entrepreneurship space but if you’re anything like me and struggle with your self-esteem, it’s time to learn that your self worth as a human has nothing to do with the value of the designs you create in your business.

As a human, your self worth is infinite. If you were to charge your worth, there wouldn’t be enough 000s to make it work. Quite literally, everything you’d offer in your business would need to have a price tag on it with “Infinite $$s”.

It’s time to unwind all that BS we’re fed as creatives, women and humans and learn that your self worth is 100% intact. You are a whole, complete and totally worthy human being.

When it comes to floral design pricing, the last time I checked, the industry-standard approach to pricing didn’t have a fancy square root of “Your Self Worth” in it, does it?

(Need to brush up on the equation – jump over here and check out this post about Florist Pricing Worksheets.)

It’s time to get your self worth out of the mix and just stick to the math. In fact, the math is so simple your 7-year old nephew can figure it out. That will free up so much time and energy, which you can pour into learning more about elevating your branding, marketing and sales strategies!

TIP #2 –  Your brain is lying to you.

Here’s a thing we don’t learn in school: your human brain is wired for negativity and driven by efficiency.

That little voice in your head that says “I cannot charge that much” and “My customers won’t pay that much”, they’re not true stories. I know it might “feel true” but it’s just a very well practised story your brain is offering up to keep you small.

Essentially these storylines are just a sneaky version of fear.

My friend, if this rings true to you, I’m here to tell you there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. You are a human being with a human brain and learning how your brain works is POWERFUL! (It’s why it’s a part of the curriculum inside my Flower Boss Bootcamp.)

The truth is, 99% of what flies through our heads in the run of a day is just a pile of sentences. Stories we tell ourselves that are on repeat almost 60,000 times a day.

But, because you are a human being and you have the ability to think about what you think about (so crazy!), you get to decide to tell yourself whatever story you want. You don’t need to believe those stories that go through your head. So, if you’re gonna tell yourself a story, you might as well tell yourself a story that you like, right?

TIP #3 –  Discounts, deals and low prices aren’t required for floral design pricing.

Flowers are a luxury service. As in, premium. High end. Fancy.

And learning to sell a luxury service requires next-level luxury thinking.

As a floral designer offering a luxury service, trying to compete with the grab-and-go shops is a waste of time. (That strategy only works if you have the power to influence wholesale costs. Most of us don’t have that kinda power, right?)

The real challenge is that we, as consumers, as humans navigating our own lives, are inundated with marketing messages for cheap products, discounts, and sales.

We use that as evidence to support the fact that being cheap is how you get customers and grow your portfolio. We’re led to believe, as business owners, that’s how we need to market our work.

In the end, trying to compete on price is always a race to the bottom. You are never ever going to win that race.

It’s time to shift your focus and learn to play a game you can win, peoples!

TIP #4 – Play a better marketing game.

One of the best shifts I made in my business was to really believe the industry-standard approach to pricing is a gift.

Thousands of florists have come before you, testing out the limits of the pricing model and putting it to work for their business – this includes florists in small towns, florists in massive cities, florists who work from home, and florists who have cute studios.

You are a florist. That means you don’t need to question the equation. Get all your excuses out of the way and get to doin’ the math. Make it easier for yourself to make money and use all that time you spent spinning in circles learning how to level up your approach to marketing.

Instead of stressing about pricing or telling yourself pricing is hard, shift your focus. It’s time to learn how to level up your marketing and approach it from a much more intentional, strategic point of view.

Make today the day you set your sights higher, embrace a bolder definition of branding and really embrace the fact that we are selling a premium, luxury service.

And yes, even if you’re usually cost-effective blooms and low-cost foliages to offer a low-priced solution, it’s still a LUXURY offering. It’s handcrafted, personally designed and professionally presented.

At the end of the day, that’s what your customer is actually paying for. But they don’t know that if you don’t tell them.

So make it your #1 priority to educate them, to break the silence and bust through the secrecy of our industry. It’s time to celebrate the energy, effort and expertise that goes into making this flower magic happen.

Want a few ideas to get you going on how to level up your thinking, shift your approach? Check out this YouTube video: Brand Tips for Flower Businesses

Deep Dive: Floral Design Pricing Secrets to Success

I struggled with pricing for so long and I want to make sure you can shortcut your progress. And I know for so many of my clients – no matter what kind of design services we offer – we allow the fear of rejection to stand in the way of making real, measurable progress in our business.

It’s kinda like, we know we should raise our prices but we can’t seem to break the habit. We can come up with dozens of reasons why we shouldn’t do and we’re constantly talking ourselves out of it.

I know so many creatives struggle with this exact scenario and that is why, on this week’s podcast, I’ve compiled my exact approach to navigating the fear of rejection, sharing 3 secrets to help you flip the script and teaching you how to be a business owner, a designer, and a human.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

Being human and being a business owner means fear is a normal part of the experience

Why the secrecy of the floral design industry is standing in the way of you taking massive action and keeping you stuck in the cycle of struggling with floral design pricing

How to feel the fear and still take massive action in your design business

My 3 secrets to help you move forward and avoid letting fear of rejection drive your actions (or inaction)


Listen to the full episode here

Full Episode Transcript

[advanced_iframe src=”https://littlebirdbloom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Transcript-Wk13-3-Secrets-to-Break-Through-the-Fear-of-Being-Too-Expensive.txt” width=”100%” height=”600″]

Enjoy the Show?