In this week’s episode, I share two of the biggest assumptions designers make when starting a flower business — both of which are mistakes.
The first assumption: a successful flower business is built on good design.
I share my own story around continually investing in workshops, in the hopes that if I was a better designer (or designed more “like her” or learned how to do “that style of work”), I’d immediate draw more customers to my business and make more money.
It doesn’t work that way.
You can be a less-than-average designer and build a hugely successful business. So, investing in another design workshop may not be the best decision for you (or your business) – it isn’t going to teach you what you need to learn about marketing + sales.
The second mistaken assumption: more followers = successful business.
If that was true, wouldn’t we all be out there spending $50 to buy 50,000 followers?
Of course, I also know what it’s like to be a business owner and be obsessed with Instagram.
And we mistakenly think it matters as much to our customers as it does to our own ego.
In this week’s podcast episode, I get into all the nitty gritty, debunk these myths and share my own personal story about what it takes to build a successful flower business.
Want more good stuff? Grab my Big Ass Folder of Free Shiz #ForFlorists.
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