Peoples – this week’s episode includes a free Business Planning Toolkit. Grab it here along with everything else in my Big Ass Folder of Free Shiz #ForFlorists.
In the land of big-business corporate marketing we used to spend hours, even days planning. And so often it would be overcomplicated, complex and it would sit on a shelf for months, if not years, never to be looked at again.
But there is some value in what we used to do back then – but this time round, we’ve simplified it. Heaps.
Our planning toolkit follows 8 simple steps to help you plan for the next 3 / 6 / 12 months.
Sloan and I try to sit down every 3 months to revisit our plan and evolve our ideas so make sure we’re still moving in a direction that suits us both. This toolkit is our bible for those planning sessions.
I know what it’s like, we get so wrapped up in working IN our businesses and never make time for working ON our businesses. So, download the Business Planning Toolkit, listen to the podcast and then book a planning meeting with yourself – it will only take one morning or afternoon and you’ll have nailed a concrete plan for the next 3 – 6 months in your business.