
Your pricing questions…answered 💵

In today’s podcast episode, I’m answering all your questions about pricing. I did a call out on Instagram over the weekend and here’s a snapshot of the questions I dive into today:

  1. If a bride asks you to set out name cards etc. would you price that as an additional cost? And how do you respond to their enquiry?
  2. Discounting for friends and family — I never know what’s appropriate?
  3. Include GST / don’t include GST if it’s still a hobby biz? How to deal?
  4. Do you change your pricing for holidays and for as long as wholesale prices increase?
  5. Should the price per each go down if the quantity goes up high enough?
  6. At what stage in the process do you give your client an estimate?
  7. How to explain pricing before quoting if you know other businesses will quote less?
  8. I use a pricing model I’m happy with, but still think I’m too expensive. New wholesaler?
  9. Did you raise prices for special occasions like Vday, Mother’s Day?
  10. Do flower crowns follow your same pricing model, or should they be more?
  11. How do you price for delivery within a certain km distance then outside of that area?
  12. When pricing a wedding / event are the sundries also calculated x 5?

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